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Project Funding

Ten Free Trees*


10 Free Trees* to Plant in Your Community
*In-kind match required

The Ten Free Trees* application window will close on July 31, 2024.

*In-kind match required

Thanks to a collaborative effort of the Nebraska Forest Service and Nebraska Statewide Arboretum, we are able to offer free trees for approved public projects and events. This program offers up to 10 trees per project. Applications open June 1 - July 31; trees are available to plant in the fall. 

Projects can be quite variable, but do need to be on public property and provide clear public benefit. The only match requirement is that the recipient conduct public outreach efforts (community tree celebration, volunteer planting, newspaper article, social media, etc.) and report activities back to us. We are especially interested in and encourage applicants to consider street tree plantings and neighborhoods of highest need.

We pre-purchase a diverse list of high-quality trees to be distributed just prior to fall planting on a first come, first served basis. We determine which trees go where depending on recipient’s location and tree availability. Most of the trees are in the 4-8' size range —small enough to be manageable by volunteers, but big enough to have an impact.

The application window for the Ten Free Trees program is open June 1 - July 31. If you have questions about the program or the application process, please contact Kendall Weyers, Sustainable Communities Coordinator.