Being part of the Arboretum network promotes your garden and connects it, and your community, to similar efforts across the state.
Arboretum curators get funding opportunities, technical support, access to and discounts on plants, labels, promotion, mentorship and ideas through curator meetings, tours, e-news and other resources. It’s a great way to grow friendships and share ideas.
Our goal is to “take the arboretum to the people” through these local gardens, and to help them be places of beauty, demonstration and restoration in their home community.
Learn about the benefits of affiliation and the different levels of affiliation.
The Nebraska Statewide Arboretum (NSA) Landscape Steward Site Affiliation Program was developed to recognize Nebraska’s important people-planted landscapes and to form an ongoing partnership with managers and caregivers of those landscapes. Any landscape in Nebraska that demonstrates high quality design, development and maintenance, and/or significant historical or cultural importance is eligible to be nominated as a Landscape Steward site.
1. Landscape Steward Site: A managed landscape (public or private) exhibiting excellence in design, plant diversity and maintenance. Can include multiple sites.
2. Community Arboretum: A community or neighborhood that exhibits excellence in promotion, planting, species diversity and care of the local community forest. -
Accredited Arboretums focus on horticultural plant collections for display, education and research.
Current affiliate sites include:
Accredited Arboretums
Ashland, Carol Joy Holling Camp, http://caroljoyholling.org
Beatrice, Chautauqua Park Arboretum, http://www.visitbeatrice.com/chautauqua-park
Brownville, Governor Furnas Arboretum
Crete, Osterhout Arboretum
Curtis, Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture https://ncta.unl.edu/news-releases/ncta-arboretum-walking-tour
Fremont, Clemmons Park Arboretum
Fremont, Midland University Heritage Arboretum
Gering, Northfield Arboretum, http://gering.org
Lincoln, Aldersgate Gardens, http://aldersgatelinc.org/aldersgate-gardens/
Lincoln, Downtown Lincoln Arboretum, http://downtownlincoln.org
Lincoln, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Botanical Gardens and Arboretum, http://www.unl.edu/bga/
Lincoln, Lincoln Regional Center Arboretum
Lincoln, Nebraska Wesleyan University Arboretum
Lincoln, Pioneers Park Nature Center, https://www.lincoln.ne.gov/City/Departments/Parks-and-Recreation/Parks-Facilities/Parks-A-to-Z/Pioneers-Park
Lincoln, Prairie Pines Arboretum, http://prairiepines.org
North Bend, Franklin-Cotterell Greens Arboretum, http://nbtigers.org
North Platte, Glenn Viehmeyer Arboretum
Omaha, Lauritzen Gardens, http://www.lauritzengardens.org/
Omaha, Metropolitan Community College Arboretum, http://mccneb.edu
Omaha Public Power District Arboretum
Omaha, St. Roberts Arboretum, http://stroberts.com
Peru, Campus of a Thousand Oaks Arboretum
Pierce, Gilman Park Arboretum, http://www.gilmanparkarboretum.com
Schuyler, Jim Kluck Memorial Railside Greens, http://schuylernebraska.net/points-of-interest/railside-green-arboretum/
Scottsbluff, D. A. Murphy Panhandle Arboretum
Landscape Stewards
Alliance, Sallows Conservatory & Arboretum
Alma, Pheasant Point Arboretum
Bassett Memorial Park & Nature Trail
Beatrice Public Library Arboretum
Cambridge, Norman Walburn Memorial Arboretum, http://www.cambridgene.org
Chadron State College Arboretum
Concord, Northeast Arboretum
Creighton, Bruce Park Arboretum, http://www.creighton.org
Crete Public Schools Arboretum
Crofton Courts Arboretum
Fairbury City Arboretum, http://Fairburyne.org
Falls City, Itha Krumme Arboretum, http:// www.fallscitynebraska.org/falls-city/tourism-and-recreation/itha-krumme-memorial-arboretum
Fremont, Hormel Park Arboretum
Fremont, May Museum Arboretum
Fremont, Ridge Cemetery Arboretum
Gothenburg, Ehmen Park Arboretum
Grand Island, Suck's Lake & Park Arboretum, https://www.giparks.com/departments/parks-and-recreation/parks-division/park-directory/suck-s-lake-park
Gretna, Eastern Nebraska 4-H Center Arboretum, http://4h.unl.edu
Gretna, Schramm Park State Recreation Area, https://outdoornebraska.gov/location/schramm-park/
Hastings College Arboretum
Hastings Highland Park Arboretum
Hastings, Central Community College Arboretum
Hastings, Prairie Loft Center for Outdoor Learning, http://www.prairieloft.org
Hebron, Arrowhead Gardens Arboretum
Humboldt, Southeast Nebraska Cancer Memorial garden, https://visitnebraska.com/humboldt/southeast-nebraska-cancer-memorial-garden
Hickman, Hickman Linear Park Arboretum
Kearney, City of Kearney Cemetery Arboretum
Kearney, Harmon Park Landmark Site, http://www.cityofkearney.org
Kearney, University of Nebraska at Kearney Arboretum
Lexington, Stenberg Arboretum
Lincoln, Bertrand Schultz Arboretum
Lincoln, Joshua Turner Arboretum, Union College
Lincoln, Lincoln Children's Zoo, https://www.lincolnzoo.org/
Lincoln, Lincoln Water System Arboretum
Lincoln, Lower Platte South NRD
Lincoln, Nebraska State Capitol, https://capitol.nebraska.gov/
Lincoln, Prairie Song Arboretum
Lincoln, South Ridge Village Association
Lincoln, Taylor Park Neighborhood Association
Lincoln, Vintage Heights Neighborhood Arboretum
Lincoln, Woods Park
Madison, Historic Barnes Park Arboretum
Minden, Minden Community Arboretum
Nebraska City, Wildwood Arboretum
Neligh, Neligh NE Riverside & Penn Parks
Norfolk, Northeast Community College Arboretum
Norfolk, Skyview Arboretum, http://www.ci.norfolk.ne.us/parks/
Ogallala Community Arboretum
Omaha, Basswood Lodge Arboretum, http://www.bigmuddyworkshop.com/our-office.php
Omaha, Bridlewood Park Arboretum
Omaha, CABG Patch
Omaha, Chalco Hills Arboretum, http://www.papionrd.org
Omaha, Creighton University Arboretum, http://www.creighton.edu
Omaha, Elmwood Park Arboretum
Omaha, Forest Lawn Memorial Park
Omaha, Gifford Park Arboretum, http://giffordparkomaha.org/
Omaha, Joslyn Art Museum Arboretum
Omaha, Prospect Hill Cemetery, https://www.prospecthill-omaha.org/
Ord, Lower Loup Natural Resource District
Aagard Farm Arboretum
Papillion, Halleck Park Arboretum
Pender City Park Arboretum, http://penderthurston.com
Plattsmouth, Horning State Farm Arboretum, http://nfs.unl.edu/nfs-properties
Scottsbluff, Downtown Gardens Arboretum
Scribner City Park, http://scribnernebraska.com
Seward, Concordia University Arboretum
South Sioux City Arboretum
Stanton, Lower Elkhorn NRD Maskenthine Lake Arboretum
Stella Arboretum
Taylor Community Arboretum
Tekamah, Hancock Home Farm
Thurston, Berried Treasures Arboretum
Unadilla Area Arboretum, http://www.unadillanebraska.com
Wayne State College Arboretum, http://wsc.edu
York, Foster Park, http://www.cityofyork.net