Help us grow young gardeners by providing tools and gloves for the students! Check out our Amazon Wishlist to see what we need.
We also need 5 gallon buckets and are happy to recycle any that are in good condition. New or recycled buckets can be dropped off at our office or greenhouse on east campus. Email us for directions.
Bloom Box is Smart Gardening for Everybody
you'll have what you need to grow the sustainable garden you want.
Please read to the end of the page, sign up link is at the bottom.
Contact Sarah at with any questions.

What's in a Bloom Box?

What's Unique about Bloom Box @school?
Training for Staff, learn what you need to care for your garden.
Planet Learning Tree curriculum to help you guide your students.
Lesson Plan, 6 lessons to get your summer started.
Planting Day hosted by NSA or NFS staff.
Program Details
Bloom Box @school will provide:
All plants and trees, Bloom Box materials, garden gloves and trowels, and a webinar training on garden care and maintenance, planting day assistance. Curriculum training and activity book for Project Learning Tree.
You are Responsible for:
One to two 21st CCLC staff completing both webinar trainings (garden care & Project Learning Tree), completing the 6-lesson curriculum plan provided during Project Learning Tree training, providing a minimum of 15 student contact hours in the garden, and committing to caring for your garden for a minimum of three years.
Bloom Box @school is only available to eligible 21st Century Community Learning Centers in Nebraska.
About Project Learning Tree's Explore Your Environment flagship curriculum guide.
Project Learning Tree (PLT) uses trees and forests as windows on the world to increase students’ understanding of the environment. Since 1976, PLT has reached 138 million students and trained 765,000 educators to help students learn how to think, not what to think, about complex environmental issues.
After completing training, your staff will be confident in leading nationally-acclaimed PLT environmental education lessons, utilizing your Bloom Box planting, with your students for years to come.
Project Learning Tree:
• Written by-teachers for-teachers
• Correlated to NGSS and Nebraska Science Standards
• Trainings are approved NDE- Office of Early Childhood Automatically Accepted ECE in-Service Hours