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Event Calendar

Member Appreciation Week: Virtual Bioblitz and Lunch & Learn

Monday, July 17, 2023
12:00 pm1:00 pm

NSA will be hosting our first ever bioblitz, July 17 - 21!

What's a bioblitz?

A bioblitz is a communal citizen-science effort to record as many species within a designated location and time period as possible.

What does that mean for you?

It means that we want to see your plants! Using the iNaturalist app, you can upload photos of the various plant species in your garden/yard/acreage/neighborhood to our project "Plants of Nebraska." We will be collecting as many observations as possible from our members the week of July 17 - 23. We will then have a team of folks helping to identify those observations on the back end. This will let us see the unique plants and gardens our members have across the state!

The best part?

Our friends at Nebraska Game & Parks have graciously offered to provide a virtual Lunch & Learn to teach NSA members how best to use iNaturalist and how to upload observations to our NSA bioblitz project. Join us to learn about how YOU can be a citizen scientist. To get the most of the Lunch & Learn, make sure to download iNaturalist on your phone (available free for both iPhone and Android users).

You will receive the Zoom link once registered.