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Event Calendar

Lincoln Bloom Box Garden Walk

Tuesday, October 12, 2021
4:00 pm7:00 pm
Map will be provided

Join us on a garden walk to see 4 Lincoln area gardens in their fall glory! Most of these gardens participated in the Bloom Box program and have a focus on pollinator gardening but they are all unique. Maps will be provided so you can visit the gardens at your own pace. $5 per car.

Get to know the gardens:
Garden A: A beautiful example of what can blossom when two neighbors work together! One neighbor grows a bower of native trees and flowers along with his produce gardens while the other neighbor prefers a more formal look. They came together and merged their gardening styles and tackle a common landscape obstacle- the median between the sidewalk and the road.

In 2016, Garden B began a major transformation of its 1.9 acres of green space. The vision for this garden is to benefit the environment and serve the community by providing habitat for wildlife, immersion in nature, and nature-based play for children. As a first step in their plan, they planted one of the first Bloom Box gardens in 2016. As an inaugural garden of the program, they have learned some lessons (along with us) and have never stopped planting!

Garden C: This mother/son project was planted in 2017 and has become quite the haven for Monarchs. Many caterpillars have been counted and observed as they transform into butterflies. A beautiful science lesson and example of how to include kids in the garden.

Garden D: Coming soon!

*Digital maps will be sent out 1-2 days before the event.