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Brownbag on Nut Trees for Nebraska

Thursday, December 6, 2018
12:00 pm1:00 pm
Jane Snyder Trail Center, 228 N 21st St. Lincoln

Nebraska’s “Tree Nut,” Justin Evertson, thinks nut trees like pecan, hickory and other species may serve as good replacements for trees lost to emerald ash borer and other disease and weather challenges. “Because of messy walnuts, nut trees often have a bad reputation for landscape use,” Evertson said, “They’re also considered hard to establish and slow-growing but this presentation will help dispel these and other myths.” This all-things-green brownbag is sponsored by Nebraska Statewide Arboretum, Lincoln Parks & Recreation, UNL Institute of Agriculture & Natural Resources and the Lincoln Downtown Association.
* Samples of nuts and nut breads to taste—and participants are invited to bring holiday treats to share.