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I thought NSA was part of UNL. What is the Nebraska Statewide Arboretum’s relationship with the university?  

We were founded in 1978 through the university. Since 2008, the University has honored NSA’s excellent statewide outreach by providing housing and some technical support. In 2015 we received a 3 year step-down grant from the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources to help fund critical administrative positions.

Are the Nebraska Forest Service and the Nebraska Statewide Arboretum the same thing?

The two organizations partner on some staff positions and many projects but their finances and mission are separate and distinct.

Where are your headquarters?

Our offices are at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln East Campus.

How are you funded?

NSA is a 501c3 and receives a majority of its income from program fees, memberships, contributions and grants.

I’ve seen an arboretum on college campuses or in my community, is that you?

Probably!  We have over 104 arboretum sites in our network.  They are owned and cared for by the local community, find out more.

Are you governed by a board of directors?

Yes.  The Nebraska Statewide Arboretum is a 501c3 and follows IRS and Nebraska regulations. We have a board of directors that meets four times a year to give oversight and direction to the nonprofit. In addition board members serve on committees and volunteer at our events. Board members bring a wealth of wisdom and financially support our work.

Are you audited?

Yes. Each year the Nebraska Statewide Arboretum has an independent audit. We strive to be transparent. You can see our annual financials here.

Wow. All this partnership seems kind of complicated—is it?

Sure, it can be. We believe if you want to make a difference and use resources wisely—be it time, talent, or treasure—partnerships are critical. We highly value our partners. The Nebraska Statewide Arboretum is trusted by many types of partners, from private entities to governments to our members. They all look to us to help carry out joint projects and provide leadership in areas of home and community greening.

Our valued partners: