Photos (left to right, top to bottom): Hanna's tomato crop, Sarah's strawberry crop, Monarch caterpillar on dill, Sarah's retaining wall garden, Victory Garden for family of five, Soil Loves Compost poster, Grow Vitamins poster, Benjamin Franklin Elementary in Cleveland Victory Garden May 1942, Barry the Blueberry Bush.
Review Bloom Box: Growing Deeper and make Hanna pay! Ratings and review help new listeners find our podcast and help us create better content for you. Never reviewed before? Here are some tips.
Victory Gardens made a comeback during Covid. This is an opportunity for us to talk about a significant movement in home horticulture- similar in many ways to the current movement of sustainable/habitat gardening at home.
Great Plains Conference: Plant to Table April 19-20
NebGuides are published by Nebraska Extension and cover everything from health to child development to gardening to cows.
Plan ahead for a Q&A episode in May! Send us your questions by email or voicemail.
Spring Affair is our major fundraiser for the year and is one of the largest plant sales in the Midwest!
Sources we used to plan this episode:
- https://www.nal.usda.gov/exhibits/ipd/small/exhibits/show/victory-gardens/victory-goals
- https://www.history.com/news/americas-patriotic-victory-gardens
- https://www.almanac.com/what-plant-victory-garden
- https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/15/magazine/victory-gardens-world-war-II.html
- https://library.si.edu/exhibition/cultivating-americas-gardens/gardening-for-the-common-good
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Email us at growingwithbloombox@gmail.com.
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