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Bloom Box

Growing Deeper Show Notes

27: How Plants Protect Us

snow and ice on fluffy pine branches

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Equitable access to public spaces is central to our civic life and democracy. We can’t let the threat of terrorist attacks or mass shooters turn our public spaces into inaccessible fortresses. To protect our people and economy, cities instead need thoughtful, designed security solutions that balance the need for openness with the management of risk. Roxanne Blackwell, co-interim CEO of ASLA (American Society of Landscape Architects)

With this quote in mind we took a look at some of the research around using plants to create community in public spaces and keep those spaces safe and inviting. The same concepts can be used to think about how our yards and neighborhoods encourage people to behave and how we encounter each other in the garden.

For anyone intrigued by this topic (or skeptical of the idea) here are some of the resources we have been reading:

Security is a Design Problem

Landscape Design in the Clear Zone: The Effect of Landscape Variables on Pedestrian Health and Driver Safety

Influence of Landscape Design on Driving Behavior Based on Slope Illusion

The influence of landscape intervention used as an alertness maintaining ‘tool’ on driving behavior

Trees Are a Tool for Safer Streets




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